All members of Justitia Chambers provide their services under the BSB Standard Contractual Terms 2012 as updated for GDPR 2018. Please see attached for the full terms:
Legal Disclaimer
Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate but no responsiblity for its accuracy, or any consequence of relying upon it, is accepted by any member of Justitia Chambers. The information and commentary does not, and is not intended to, amount to legal advice to any person and should not be relied upon as such.
Have a Complaint?
Our clients are important to us and we aim to ensure that the work undertaken on their behalf is totally satisfactory. From time to time we may invite clients to complete a satisfaction survey in order to gain feedback and improve our services.
Should our services not meet with expectations, however, please contact our Chambers Director who will endeavour to resolve the complaint in the first instance in accordance with our Complaints Policy.
In the event that the complaint remains unresolved to the satisfaction of a professional client, it may be referred to the
Bar Standards Board (www.barstandardsboard.co.uk) or in the case of a lay client, the Legal Ombudsman
Disability Discrimination Act/Accessibility
All websites owned by UK businesses need to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (the DDA). The Act was introduced with the intention of comprehensively tackling the discrimination which many disabled people face. The part of the DDA relating to the accessibility of websites came into force on 1st October 1999 and the Code of Practice for this section of the Act was published on 27th May 2002. As we are a business with an online presence, we need to make you aware of the Act.
If you have any difficulty accessing any part of this website that you believe we could address, please contact our Chambers Director indicating the page(s) you are experiencing problems with, the nature of your disability and any suggestion(s) as to how things could be improved.